Category Archives: TILE RENOVATION
Tile renovation without demolition, eliminating the old interstice, without new interstice, in two colours.
Tile renovation without demolition, eliminating the old interstice, without new interstice, with bark effect. With [...]
Tile renovation without demolition, painting
Renovation, foundation, painting of tiles. Waterproof varnishing and care. In this case, the interstice of [...]
Tile renovation without demolition, smoothly glazed and painted by eliminating the old interstice.
Waterproof renovation of tiles, without demolition. Eliminate the old interstice, smoothly glazed surface, paint monochrome. [...]
Tile renovation without demolition, eliminating the old interstice, without new interstice, with bark effect.
Waterproof renovation of tiles without demolition, eliminating the old interstice! With or without a new [...]
Tile renovation without demolition, eliminating the old interstice, new optical interstice, stone effect.
Waterproof renovation of tiles without demolition, eliminating the old interstice! With or without a new [...]
Renovation of bathroom tiles with waterproof special paints. Based on a two-component T-16 primer
Renovation of bathroom tiles with waterproof special paints. Based on a two-component T-16 primer In [...]